Edited from: sundaislam.wordpress.com
Born: Village Cibolerang, District Jatiwangi, Majalengka, June 26, 1887
Died: Pasirayu Village, District Sukahaji, Majalengka, 1962
Mausoleum: -

Kiai who first visited was KH. Anwar in Ranji Wetan Boarding School, Majalengka, then move from one boarding school to other schools. He underwent every boarding school between 1 to 3 years. Recorded some kiai who became his teacher, among others KH. Abdullah in Pesantren Lontangjaya, Penjalin village, District Leuwimunding, Majalengka; KH. Sijak in Pesantren Bobos, District Sources, Cirebon; KH. Ahmad Sobari in boarding Ciwedas, Cilimus, Brass; KH. Agus in Pesantren Kedungwangi, Pekalongan, Central Java; then come back to the boarding Ciwedus. On the sidelines of boarding school life, Abdul Halim took time to trade, such as selling batik, perfume, and books of religious instruction. This trading experience affects later steps in an effort mebaharui indigenous economic system.
At the age of 22 years of Abdul Halim went to Mecca to perform the pilgrimage and explore the science of religion. He lived there for 3 years. On this occasion he know and mepelajari the writings of Sayyid Jamaluddin al-Afgani and Sheikh Muhammad Abduh. To deepen the knowledge of religion there, he learned to Sheikh Ahmad Khatib, the imam and kahtib haram Mosque, and Sheikh Ahmad Khayyat, when there also he met with KH. Mas Mansyur from Surabaya (leaders of Muhammadiyah) and KH. Abdul Wahab Hasbullah (NU figure). In the year 1328 AD H/1911 he returned to Indonesia.
In addition to mastering the Arabic language, he also studied the Dutch language from Van Houven (one of the Christian Zending Cideres) and Chinese from the Chinese who settled in Mecca. With the educational experience and exchange thoughts with the great men, both outside and within the country, Abdul Halim more steady and firm in principle. He would not cooperate with the colonial. When by-law offered to government employees, he refused.
Armed with the fighting spirit and strong determination, on returning from Mecca, he began to make improvements to raise the degree of community, in accordance with the results of observations and consultations with several leaders in Java. This restoration effort through education gone through (at-tarbiyah) and economic restructuring (al-iqtisadiyah).
In realizing his goal for the first time Abdul Halim founded the Majlis Science (1911) as a place of religious education in a very simple form in a mosque made of bamboo. In this majlis he gave the knowledge of religion to the santrinya. With the aid-in-law, KH. Mohammad Ilyas, Abdul Halim and community support can continue to develop his idea. In subsequent developments, on the ground in-law he could build a place of education which is equipped with dormitories as the residence of the students.
To establish the steps in 1912 he founded a club or organization named "Hayatul Qulub. Through this agency he developed the idea of educational reform, is also active in the field of economic and social sosialo. Members of this group consists of community leaders, students, merchants, and farmers.
Improvement measures covering eight areas of improvement yng as-Islah called Samanids, namely reconciliation al-Aqeedah (field repair aqeedah), reconciliation al-worship (worship area of improvement), reconciliation at-tarbiyah (improvement in education), the reconciliation al- ailah (improvement of family), the reconciliation al-adah (repair custom fields), the reconciliation al-mujtama (community improvement), reconciliation al-iqtisad (improvement of the economy), and the reconciliation of al-umma (community relations and improving mutual assistance ).
Gradually, he leads an organization can improve the state of society, especially the small community. Seeing the progress and results have been achieved, the Dutch colonial government started to put the suspect. Secretly colonial government sent secret police (the so-called Politiek Inlichtingn Dienst / PID) to monitor the movement of Abdul Halim and everyone suspected. In 1915 he led the organization was disbanded because it assessed by the government as the cause of several riots (mainly between the natives and Chinese). Since then Hayatul Qulub officially disbanded, but its activities continue to run.
On May 16, 1916 Abdul Halim al-founded Jam'iyah I'anah Muta'alimin as an effort to continue to develop the field of education. For this he Jam'iyat a relationship with al-Khair and Ershad in Jakarta. Looking at a rather high, which can be assessed by the undermined colonial rule, then in 1917 this organization was dissolved. With encouragement from his friend, HOS. Tjokroaminoto (SI President Islam at that time), that same year he founded Persyarikatan Ulama. The organization is recognized by the Dutch colonial administration on December 21, 1917. In 1924 this organization's operating area to the whole of Java and Madura, and in 1937 continued to spread throughout Indonesia.
To support this organization, especially in the financial sector / funding, Abdul Halim develop agricultural business by buying the land area of 2.5 ha in 1927, then set up a printing press in 1930. In 1939 he founded the company looms and several other companies, which is directly under his supervision. To support the company above its speed, the teachers are required to plant stock in accordance with their respective capabilities. Abdul Halim also established a foundation orphanage run by female Persyarikatan, Fatimids.
Abdul Halim also sees the need to provide lunch to the students the skills to someday live independently without having to depend on others or become government officials. This idea direalisasinya to establish a school / boarding school named Santi Asromo work together in April 1942, which is housed in the Village Pasirayu, District Sukahaji, Majalengka. In addition to developing the field of education, Abdul Halim also expand the field of da'wah. He has always maintained a relationship with several other organizations in Indonesia, such as the Muhammadiyah in Yogyakarta, SI Islam, and the Ittihad al-Islamiya (AII) in Sukabumi. The core is confirmed ukhuwah Islamic da'wah (Islamic harmony) with full of love, as an attempt to show greatness of Islam, in order to expel the occupation. In the field of faith and conviction and worship amaliah Abdul Halim adopts Ahlussunnah waljama'ah, which in fikihnya follow Syafi'iyah understand. In 1942 he changed into engagement Persyarikatan The Muslim cleric who (later) in 1952 to do a fusion with the Unity of Islam Indonesia (PUII), the "Islamic Unity" (Pui), based in Bandung.
In addition to fostering organizational activities Pui, he was actively involved in various political activities against colonial rule. In 1912 he became head of the branch of Islam SI Majalengka. In 1928 he was appointed caretaker Ulema Islam SI, founded jointly with KH. M. Anwaruddin of Apex and KH. Abdullah Siradj of Yogyakarta. He is also a board member MIAI (Islamic Majlis A'la Indonesia) which was established in 1937 in Surabaya. In 1943, after MIAI replaced with Masjumi (Majlis Syuro Muslim Indonesia), he became one of his managers. He also included one member of Inquiry Badap efforts Preparation of Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI / Dokurotzu Zyunbi Tyoosakai) in 1945, members of the Central Indonesian National Committee (KNIP), and members of the Constituent Assembly in 1955. Among his friends he was known to be a simple, loving, and put in a peaceful way to resolve the issue rather than through violence.
In 1940, he along with KH. A. Ambari facing Adviseur Voor Indische Zaken, Dr. GF. Pijper, in Jakarta to make some demands concerning the interests of Muslims. When there is aggression Netherlands in 1947, he was with the people and the soldiers retreated into the interior to strategize against the Dutch. He also strongly opposed the establishment of the state Pasundan which was founded in 1948 by Dutch .***
( Islamic Encyclopedia Volume I, New York: New Ichtiar van Hoeve, cet-11, 2003, p.. 12-14)
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